1. Throughout years, exchanges have been the biggest businesses in crypto. They generate profit year-round, no matter the market sentiment.
2. Although the idea of cryptocurrencies was to decentralize everything for the people, exchanges (companies) own the fees generated by the ecosystem, not the people.
3. Exchanges also make trading isolated. People trade alone, on their devices, with social interactions moved to Twitter or Telegram: also Web2 platforms.
4. The current market products fail to make Web3 truly decentralized: it is being traded, and talked about, on Web2. OrdiFi changes this forever by making trading truly social on Web3.
Trade crypto in the metaverse demonstrated
OrdiFi’s inspiration, Runescape, is the original metaverse — but it’s built on WEB2. Runescape owes its success to a brilliant socially integrated trading economy, without real money integration. OrdiFi is a trading metaverse with real money integration, powered by WEB3. Many crypto users come from the Runescape player base, opening up a significant market opportunity for OrdiFi:
OrdiFi is the first social trading metaverse. Just like Runescape, it creates a social environment where users find joy in trading together.
In the OrdiFi Metaverse, you can trade any asset – tokens, NFTs, tokenized stocks, commodities, bonds – and talk to other traders.
Our vision is creating a social gamified trading experience built for the new generation of traders.
Many of the Runescape players went on to become first crypto adopters. OrdiFi is in position to onboard the massive user base already familiar and used to this trading experience.
Chat with other traders demonstrated
这是一个虚拟的世界,将社交交易平台(如加密 Twitter 或 Reddit)和交易加密货币的能力结合在一起。
$OrdiFi 在本质上是超通缩的:通货紧缩机制与采用的 OrdiFi 的主要产品有关。这意味着:越多用户进入元宇宙并进行交易,就会产生更多的交易手续费,手续费用于减少 OrdiFi 的循环供应(买入和卖出燃烧,提供流动性,质押)。
Join a world and create your character demonstrated